Environmental Benefits of Using FRP for Storage

Environmental Benefits of FRP

The demand for environmentally conscious construction and infrastructure has been a hot topic for many years and more and more companies are choosing greener options to secure more sustainability-seeking consumers. This has led to a rise in the use of FRP, fiberglass reinforced polymers or plastics, in all sorts of building and storage operations and […]

Characteristics that Differentiate Fiberglass Tanks from the Competition

Fiberglass Tanks Beat the Competition

If you work with large amounts of corrosive or flammable liquids, you’ve likely worked with fiberglass reinforced plastic tanks. Of course, you’ve also likely worked with steel, polyethylene,  aluminum or even concrete tanks, but what sets fiberglass reinforced plastics apart from these rivalling materials? Here’s how to differentiate fiberglass reinforced plastic tanks from the competition! […]