Fiberglass Tanks In Fire Suppression: An Unheralded Hero

A pair of fiberglass painted with white.

In a world where wildfires, industrial incidents, and unforeseen accidents present a constant threat, possessing a robust and efficient firefighting infrastructure is crucial. Most fire protection systems require a tank in the 60,000-gallon range which a fiberglass reinforced plastic tank can easily store. FRP tanks are significant for rural and remote firefighting water requirements due to their vast size capabilities, in addition to many more benefits. Read below to find out what makes FRP tanks an outstanding water storage choice when it comes to suppressing fires effectively.

FRP Tanks In Fire Suppression

What makes fiberglass tanks in fire suppression a choice like none other? Below are some benefits of utilizing fiberglass reinforced tanks in fire suppression systems:

Corrosion Resistance

Fiberglass tanks are corrosion resistant which enables their ability to provide long-term water storage or fire suppressants without posing the risk of degradation. This ensures the tank’s longevity and enhanced effectiveness over time, which translates into reliable and dependable firefighting capabilities.

Lightweight Design

Fiberglass tanks are significantly more lightweight than steel or concrete tanks, and this lightweight feature of FRP tanks simplifies the transportation, installation, and maintenance of tanks. The lightweight design of FRP tanks is often preferred in rural areas due to the ease of transporting these tanks from one location to another. Since FRP tanks are lightweight, they offer improved flexibility in areas where they can be positioned within a building or a facility. FRP tanks can be installed in spaces where heavier tank alternatives might not be practical due to weight restrictions or spatial constraints.

Customization And Tailored Solutions

FRP tanks can be customized to fulfill specific fire suppression requirements. This customization feature enables the design of FRP tanks to fit into constricted or unconventional spaces. Whether it’s a high-rise apartment building or an industrial facility, FRP tanks can be customized to meet specific requirements while still providing the required storage capacity for fire suppression efficiency, which can guarantee that the system can suppress fires of various sizes.


When storing gallons of water for use in emergencies, water storage tanks must be as watertight as possible. FRP tanks are extremely watertight and are a reliable source of fire suppression needs as they can store vast amounts of water in a container that can be above or below ground. This enables the extinguishing agent, whether it is water, foam, or another substance, to be securely contained within the tank without any leaks or spills. Containing leaks or spills is crucial for the effectiveness of the fire suppression system, and for preventing damage to the property or surrounding environment. The tank needs to be as watertight as possible to ensure that there is an ample supply of water available to suppress fires effectively.

Quick-Response Capability

When there is a fire, access to a dependable and immediate water source is paramount. FRP tanks enable the storage of vast volumes of water, and can be positioned to supply water immediately for firefighting teams. This replaces the time-consuming process of depending on water trucks to arrive on the scene and allows responders to perform swiftly to control the fire and extinguish the flames.

Guaranteed Water Supply

Municipal water systems and traditional water sources can be compromised or weakened during a large-scale firefighting operation. One of the central concerns during emergency fire outbreaks is to ensure there is a consistent and steady water supply, and this is where FRP tanks serve as a dedicated reservoir and guarantee a reliable supply of water for firefighting necessities.

FRP Mocoat can provide you with high-quality, durable, and versatile FRP tanks that you can depend on for many years. If you require a storage option for any fire suppression project, get in touch with us today to discuss your options.

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