Your Guide to Buying FRP Storage Tanks

Your Guide to Buying FRP Storage Tanks - FRP Mocoat - Quality Storage Tanks

If you’re in the market for a reliable, durable option for your storage needs, have you thought about a fiberglass-reinforced plastic tank? These light-weight, non-corrosive and sturdy tanks are ideal for industries that work with caustic or hazardous chemicals as well as companies that require large-scale food, fertilizer or wastewater storage. FRP tanks are also a trustworthy option for personal storage, such as potable water or fuel. If you’re looking to employ a new method to store your goods, here’s a quick guide to buying FRP as your next storage unit!

Know Your Source

First and foremost, you want to pick a reputable source for an FRP tank. Open a conversation with a potential FRP manufacturer and ask them for specifics. Only purchase from manufacturers that use CSA and NSF/ANSI certified and tested materials and who routinely test the quality of their product to assure it meets safety standards and productivity levels. Find out what customizations they offer and what they can do to help you build the best unit for your needs from the ground up. 

What Are You Storing?

The properties of each tank can vary depending on what is being housed in them. Potable water storage won’t need the same fire-resistant qualities as a tank holding gas or oil will. Understand the requirements of your product; whether it’s possible to use above or below-ground storage, how flammable is it and how corrosive will it become over time, and what its chemical properties and ventilation requirements are. Don’t be afraid to ask your supplier for recommendations and suggestions on what will best suit your product. Compatibility of resins used in construction with the materials the unit will be storing will ensure much longer lifespans and less risk of leakage or damage. A reputable, established manufacturer will be able to provide you with the information and guidance for your specific unit requirements to construct the correct tank. 

Understand Repairs and Maintenance

The best way to keep your tanks working for you as long as possible is to keep up with regular maintenance and inspections and FRP tanks are no exception. Before you buy, make sure you understand the maintenance needs of your new tank and the upkeep to sustain proper performance. FRP tanks can withstand ultraviolet light when equipped with the correct gel coating, but over time the sun will still break down this coating and the tank will require another gel application to stay up to date. When repairing cracks, have an expert show you or bring in a trusted inspection company to help with any repairs.

FRP tanks make for a responsible, reliable and durable storage solution for nearly any storage need. If you’re looking for more information or you’re interested in a quote, get in touch with us today and we’d be happy to help you find your next trusted storage option!

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