Characteristics that Differentiate Fiberglass Tanks from the Competition

If you work with large amounts of corrosive or flammable liquids, you’ve likely worked with fiberglass reinforced plastic tanks. Of course, you’ve also likely worked with steel, polyethylene, aluminum or even concrete tanks, but what sets fiberglass reinforced plastics apart from these rivalling materials? Here’s how to differentiate fiberglass reinforced plastic tanks from the competition! […]
Keeping FRP Tank Contents Secure and Accessible

Agricultural, government, private and commercial facilities that work with materials like pesticides, oil, gas, brine, wood pulp, paper pulp, fertilizer, or heavy-duty chemicals rely on sturdy tanks to store these materials safely and efficiently. If you work in any of these industries, you’ve likely worked with a Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic tank, or an FRP tank. […]
Top Three Misconceptions about Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic

Fiberglass reinforced plastic products have taken the world by surprise with their versatile usage and durability in the face of adverse weather conditions and corrosive materials. They’ve steadily gained recognition since they were first used in the aircraft industry in the 1940s and have become a staple for oilfield wellhead and metering stations across Canada […]