Repairing a Fiberglass Septic Tank

Repairing a Fibreglass Septic Tank

If you live in a rural area or you work in a remote location where access to anything other than a private septic tank isn’t an option, you know how important it is to have a reliable, working septic unit. The function of a septic tank is to separate liquids and solids from the wastewater […]

Questions to Ask When Requesting an FRP Quote

Questions to Ask When Requesting an FRP Quote - FRP Mocoat - Featured Image

Fiberglass-reinforced plastics are becoming increasingly popular in industries other than the oil and gas sector, which FRP was originally designed and constructed for. Because of the incredible resilience and flexibility of FRP tanks, structures and accessories, a growing number of trades and agriculture are relying on the durability and customizability of FRP products for their […]

How FRP Tanks Keep your Facility Safe From Fires

How FRP Tanks Keep your Facility Safe From Fires - FRP Mocoat - Featured Image

A fire on the job site can cause catastrophic damage and put workers and property at high risk, particularly if you work with flammable materials. If you’re storing ignitable goods, you need to trust the storage solution will keep those goods safe and properly contained without the hazard of leakage, corrosion, or conductivity. Fiberglass-reinforced plastic […]

Why FRP Tanks are a Leading Oil and Gas Storage Solution

Fiberglass Rock Covers

Fiberglass reinforced plastic, or FRP, is a corrosion-resistant, long-lasting and durable material used across a variety of industries, but FRP was initially designed for the oil and gas field and still remains one of the leading applications for oil and gas storage solutions today. What is it about FRP that makes it such a good […]

Your Guide to Buying FRP Storage Tanks

Your Guide to Buying FRP Storage Tanks - FRP Mocoat - Quality Storage Tanks

If you’re in the market for a reliable, durable option for your storage needs, have you thought about a fiberglass-reinforced plastic tank? These light-weight, non-corrosive and sturdy tanks are ideal for industries that work with caustic or hazardous chemicals as well as companies that require large-scale food, fertilizer or wastewater storage. FRP tanks are also […]

Need to Store Chemicals? FRP Tanks are the Solution!

double wall fiberglass tanks

If you operate a chemical manufacturing or testing facility, or you simply have some heavy-duty chemicals you need to safely store, you know the importance of having a tough, durable and reliable storage option for even the most caustic of substances. There are plenty of options on the market these days, but what makes fiberglass-reinforced […]

What to Know Before Installing an FRP Tank

Installing an FRP Tank

Thanks to their durable, lightweight design and longer lifespans, Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic storage tanks are a staple for municipal, commercial and personal business operations. FRP tanks are reasonably priced and customizable and come in below and above-ground options to meet your site specifics. They are a useful unit to have on hand for storage needs, […]

Environmental Benefits of Using FRP for Storage

Environmental Benefits of FRP

The demand for environmentally conscious construction and infrastructure has been a hot topic for many years and more and more companies are choosing greener options to secure more sustainability-seeking consumers. This has led to a rise in the use of FRP, fiberglass reinforced polymers or plastics, in all sorts of building and storage operations and […]

Choosing a Fiberglass Tank Over Metal

Choosing a Fiberglass Tank Over Metal - FRP Manufacturing - Custom Storage Tanks - Featured Image

When it comes to versatility and performance, fibreglass has an edge over most other traditional materials in more ways than one. Choosing materials for your construction or storage projects must reflect the needs of the tank or building, such as withstanding our harsh North American winters. Here are a few reasons why we love fibreglass […]