Why FRP Tanks are a Leading Oil and Gas Storage Solution

Fiberglass Rock Covers

Fiberglass reinforced plastic, or FRP, is a corrosion-resistant, long-lasting and durable material used across a variety of industries, but FRP was initially designed for the oil and gas field and still remains one of the leading applications for oil and gas storage solutions today. What is it about FRP that makes it such a good […]

Your Guide to Buying FRP Storage Tanks

Your Guide to Buying FRP Storage Tanks - FRP Mocoat - Quality Storage Tanks

If you’re in the market for a reliable, durable option for your storage needs, have you thought about a fiberglass-reinforced plastic tank? These light-weight, non-corrosive and sturdy tanks are ideal for industries that work with caustic or hazardous chemicals as well as companies that require large-scale food, fertilizer or wastewater storage. FRP tanks are also […]

Need to Store Chemicals? FRP Tanks are the Solution!

double wall fiberglass tanks

If you operate a chemical manufacturing or testing facility, or you simply have some heavy-duty chemicals you need to safely store, you know the importance of having a tough, durable and reliable storage option for even the most caustic of substances. There are plenty of options on the market these days, but what makes fiberglass-reinforced […]

What Kind of Tank is Best For Your Project?

Tank For Your Project

Depending on your industry, there are a plethora of storage unit options that cater to chemical, wastewater, potable water or oil and gas production. Knowing your product’s specs will help you narrow down a selection of storage units that fit your storage needs. A big question to ask yourself is whether your project requires an […]

The Dos and Don’ts of an FRP Tank

FRP Tanks Durable

Fiberglass reinforced plastic tanks are a terrific storage option for industries that are in search of a durable, customizable and efficient method for storing materials such as chemicals, fuel, wastewater or potable water that is long-lasting and resilient. If you’re looking for a corrosion-proof storage unit, this might just be the storage option for you! […]

Why It’s Crucial to Store Chemicals Properly in an FRP Tank

Proper Maintenance for Fiberglass Tanks

If you work in an industry that handles heavy-duty chemicals, you know the importance of properly securing and storing these caustic materials. Chemical spills have harmful, destructive consequences if not stored and secured correctly and can cause a lot of damage to your property, your employees and yourself. The health of your team and the […]

Custom FRP Tanks, How Long Do They Take To Make?

Fiberglass Tanks In Agriculture

The best part about investing in a fiberglass reinforced plastic tank, or an FRP tank, is that you can trust the durability and the performance are going to live up to your requirements. We’ve been serving Canada and the US for over ten years and we’re dedicated to consistently producing quality, long-lasting storage solutions for […]

Why Choose An FRP Tank For Potable Water?

FRP Tanks for Potable Water

Water is the essence of life and we all deserve access to clean drinking water. Providing rural areas with potable water can prove to be difficult, but here at FRP Manufacturing, we’re in the business of solutions!  For rural communities and backwoods acreages or farms, potable water is still an everyday necessity and many folks […]

Why is Fiberglass More Effective for Tanks?

Fiberglass more effective for tanks

From farming to commercial industries to niche storage needs, fiberglass reinforced plastic tanks have become a staple for storage requirements of all sorts. And it’s really no wonder, the versatility and the longevity of the product speaks for itself! But why is it that fiberglass reinforced tanks are more effective for storage than other materials? […]